About Me

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A couple of years ago, I changed everything. I left my fashion design career and life in New York City for a new life raising my kids with my husband in Michigan. The trouble is...I can't stop designing. Coventry Drive is where I can show what I think is beautiful and stylish and inspiring.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Garden's Last Hurrah!

Alas, it's time for frost and the end of my flower garden until
next spring.
Boy, have I enjoyed my garden this year!!!!  After my many many many years of happy apartment living,  I take great pleasure from walking out the back door of my house and cutting flowers from my very own garden. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely loved the flower markets of New York City and the variety that was available all year round. But it's a different story when I planted the flowers myself (with the help of my Master Gardener Mom).  Now it's time to dream and plan the garden for next spring. How many flowers can I squeeze into my little flower beds? And will my daughter have grown out of the phase of snapping the heads off of every bloom her tiny hands can reach? Dream on.

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